


A Dying Church!

God Who is in the Church is the One Who gives her life, as do those who accept His dwelling in them. I will tell you this story: “a famous artist was entrusted with painting the picture of a dying church. Those who entrusted it to him expected him to present to them a painting ...

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Of the Peace of Pascha

I have a friend who was overcome by COVID-19 complications. His physician encouraged his family, every day, to be “a little patient”. I knew, from other physicians, that the war on the pandemic had taught them that overcoming it is always a possibility. My friend, as a servant of the Lord, was, by nature, patient. ...

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The Gift of Pascha

At the beginning of this Great Week, the Church chooses for us biblical texts that remind us of what She had said, on the first day of the fast, about the end times. Why is the end being mentioned both at the beginning and the end? The Great Lent is one whole which tells that ...

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Not One Dead Remains in the Grave

Why did Jesus have to die? It is essential to mention that since Jesus had committed no sin, death had no power over Him. What happened is that He had condescended to His death. This causes His death to be salvific. As to why He had to die, it is because death is the true ...

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