
Meeting for the Sake of Lebanon

Two months ago, his holiness the Pope announced, in a sermon, that on the 1st of July, that is tomorrow, he will meet with the principal leaders of the Christian Communities present in Lebanon "for a day of reflection on the worrying situation in the country and to pray together for the gift of peace and stability". This is the announcement of someone who knows that, in Lebanon, no solution will ever come from this world, but from above, from God Who can get us out of the darkness into the light. What will the ecclesial leaders say in their meeting? Any meeting for the sake of good is good. God embraces the benevolent people. The assembled (leaders) may have brought with them to the Vatican ideas for solutions. However, the solutions do not work in Lebanon without a communion we got used to calling agreement. In Lebanon, we are all tormented. Today, will we all, Muslims as well as Christians, turn our faces to God? Will we, too, consider what our failure is causing us? Will we get to doing good through prayer?

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