
God the Meaning

Anything I separate from God is meaningless. I am meaningless. My life is meaningless; my emotions; my friendships; what I remember or forget is meaningless. My education is meaningless. What I do well or lamely is meaningless. My works and accomplishments are meaningless. My failure is meaningless. My marriage is meaningless; my children; my grandchildren. What I possess or am deprived of is meaningless. What I get or desire, gain or lose, is meaningless. My poverty is meaningless. My wealth is meaningless. My frailty is meaningless. My strength is meaningless. What I practice or neglect is meaningless. My prayer, my fasting, my alms are meaningless. What I read or write is meaningless. Anything that is meaningful to me is meaningless. Everything that belongs to me acquires its meaning if I am totally transformed into an offering that is lifted up to God Who, alone, gives everything its meaning.

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