
Apodosis of Pascha

The apodosis of Pascha is the leavetaking of the feast of Pascha, that is, it is the day on which we conclude the forty-day period mentioned by the writer of the Book of Acts at the beginning of his book (1:2,3). Liturgically, we take leave from the feast by (celebrating) the service of the feast. Nevertheless, Pascha remains for every day, it remains the very spirit of our life and of every feast that brings us together. This is the "feast of feasts", that is, the feast in every feast. Every feast of ours, be it a great feast or of a Saint..., exudes the fragrance of Pascha. Every feast tells of the victory of Christ over death, every death. This is the connectedness of the feasts the significance of which is for all of them to tell us that Christ has gifted us with His victory, to walk in it, through prayer and life, from victory to victory. Today, do not grieve if you hear the expression "apodosis of Pascha". Christ will leave us to go to His Father, in order for Him to permeate our life with His Holy Spirit. Let us rejoice!

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