
A Living Commandment

I have noticed, repeatedly, in biographies, that the saints who were renowned for their apology for the orthodox faith, were characterized by their chastity and their love for the poor. The commandment left by Paul in a farewell speech to the elders of the Church at Ephesus (Acts 20:18-36), lives on in the saints. It is not of God's Spirit to separate the orthodox word from the orthodox life and from love, namely the love of "the brethren". Paul told those whom he had entrusted with the Truth of the Word: "I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak" (verse 35). I have read, somewhere, that people, in or outside the Church, if they hear us speaking about the Orthodox Word, they open, not only their ears, but their eyes as well. The biography is read before it is written!

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