

Here go posts copied from the Facebook English Blog: Father Elia Mitri – English Version


Meeting for the Sake of Lebanon

Two months ago, his holiness the Pope announced, in a sermon, that on the 1st of July, that is tomorrow, he will meet with the principal leaders of the Christian Communities present in Lebanon "for a day of reflection on the worrying situation in the country and to pray together for the gift of peace ...

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The Mind of God

Nowadays, it is easy for most people to antagonize others simply because they disagree with them on something, on anything. It is not a normal thing for us to believe that we are capable of being one in everything. Paul's word: "Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, ...

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The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

I have maintained a daily relationship with the celebrated feast's saints since more than three decades. The parish I serve has the two holy apostles as intercessors. When I was assigned to the parish, there was war in Lebanon. It was widely believed, on the block, that it is the neighborhood of "Saints Peter and ...

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A Living Commandment

I have noticed, repeatedly, in biographies, that the saints who were renowned for their apology for the orthodox faith, were characterized by their chastity and their love for the poor. The commandment left by Paul in a farewell speech to the elders of the Church at Ephesus (Acts 20:18-36), lives on in the saints. It ...

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The Humble Love

My love for you is no joke, these words which Saint Angela Di Foligno (+1309) testified that Jesus has said to her, have been generalized by Stan Rougier in his book "Aime et tu vivras" (Love and you shall live). Rougier said: "let God convince you that His love for you is no joke". What ...

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To Father Majdi Allawi

A part of us has gone with Mathieu, your son and our brother in the Living Christ. On this day, I am writing to you, from an aching distance, to offer my condolences with this familiar expression we read in papers conveying your heartbreaking news: "Christ is Risen!". This expression we utter in the Paschal ...

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Life is Another

A week ago, my grandson James fell ill and the effects of his illness linger on. What happened is that he passed the infection to his pregnant mother and to me too. At home, we got worried. Most of the symptoms resemble the Coronavirus symptoms (that had prevailed over the boy and his parents at ...

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For the Sake of Testimony

My friend Nour Massouh sent me a screenshot of a dialogue that took place between two deacons from a sister Church. "Where do you want to spend your life, in Canada, Australia or France..., or do you want to remain in your country, Lebanon, to die in it a death that most probably will be ...

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News From Balamand

Days ago, I have been told, by close friends, that the administration of St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, at Balamand, had decided to enjoin those who live on its campus to take the vaccine against COVID-19, in order to spend the forthcoming year in a normal manner. What did this piece of news ...

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